Friday, February 1, 2008

Locks and Ladders

It's been crazy here trying to get back into a routine after Christmas and traveling and the kids being sick every other week, so instead of trying to go back and mention everything I'll hit the highlights for last month. Ryan gave his notice at Design Workshop and will be going out on his own. Today is his last day! We bought a minivan, which I absolutely love! (Never thought I'd say that.)
Now we're in the process of refinancing our house. Which brings me to the story behind the title of this entry...

Locks and Ladders:
Our appraiser came this morning and was taking pictures of the outside of the house. Avery told me she did not want her taking pictures in her room. So I explained she was going to go through each room and look around. Avery then tells me she's not going in her room AND that she had locked it. Yikes! By now the appraiser is inside. I walk down the hall to Avery's room and sure enough it is locked tight. Then I notice the bathroom door is shut. Also locked! Thankfully the lock on Mason's room doesn't work. What a nightmare! I was trying (unsuccesfully) to pick the locks, remove the doorknob or whatever I could to bust in. The appraiser, Valerie, was super sweet and very understanding. Finally I hauled a ladder up from the basement (9 mos. prego) and tried Avery's window. Which was unlocked. Valerie came out and climbed up into Avery's room. (I'm pretty certain that is not in her job description!) Then I came back in and removed the knob to the bathroom. By then Ryan showed up to help and he was able to get the lock undone. I was sooo embarrased! Valerie said that a lot of 3-4 year olds are very territorial when she comes. However, this was the first time she has ever been locked out of a room!


Heather said...

Wow, what a story. I would have been freaking out. Parker likes to lock us out of the bathroom but it is one of those locks that we can just put a little screw driver in the hole and it pops it back out. Congratulations to Ryan for finally taking that leap on his own! I was hoping that would mean that you were moving back west. You have to let me know when the baby comes!!

C. Leah said...

Oh my goodness Destinee!! Ronnie was asking me the other day if Ryan gave his notice, b/c he got an e-mail from him about it. And I told him I wasn't sure but, now I see it's true. :) Congrats to him and you both on the van! Ronnie surprised me with a van a few days before Christmas. We got a 2003 Honda Odyssey, only had 28,500 miles on it when we bought it! And I cannot believe that about Avery locking the doors...but I can totally see her doing that, how frustrating for you! How's the pregnancy going? I hope we will coming up sometime soon but I am not sure when yet. TTYl-love ya!

andrea said...

That is TOO funny, Destinee. Although I think the humor of it would've been lost on me during the moment if it was one of my kiddios.

Good luck with the transition to being self-employed. That's what Ryan is going to do, right? You guys are brave!

Julie said...

That is too funny, although I'm sure it really wasn't. I am glad she was so understanding. I am so glad you have jumped on the mini van wagon...aren't they great! WE are so excited for you all with the job change, we hope it all goes well. Good luck with the baby we can't to see it?

Unknown said...

Thanks all for the comments. I'm so horrible about getting back on and commenting but it is so fun to hear from everyone!
Carmen, I keep imaging you getting pulled over w/ the boys and being questioned about your van! :) I had so much fun talking w/ you the other day!
Andrea, how are you feeling? We're down to 2 weeks (hopefully) here. Can't wait! My Mom comes in next Thurs. Yippee! We love and miss you all!

Unknown said...

Andrea, I can't find your blog link either! I swear someone is messing with me! Will you let me know what it is? I'll email this too! Later!

janet said...

All I can say about the lock incident would have to be..."Like mother like daughter" she is a very determined young lady--and she comes by that quite naturally!!
She is also a Sweetheart!" WELL grandma, What do you think about this??" can't wait to see y'all!