Hard to believe Brittain has already been here for a week! Thank heavens my Mom is here to help for a while! So far Brittain has been a very good baby! Avery and Mason are really enjoying her as well. Avery can't believe she got her sister and Mason jumps up and down saying "baby, baby" and wants to hold and kiss her! I have more to say but it will have to wait. I'm doing this one-handed! More to come later!
If I wasn't baby hungry already those pictures just add to it all the more!! She is the cutest little thing. I'm sure your life is a little crazy with three kids now. I'm sure Avery is a great big sister! Parker wants a new baby brother or sister pretty bad so I can't wait until we can make his dream (and ours as well) come true. We will let you know!
She is so precious Destinee, and I LOVE the pictures of her! It is hard to believe it's been a week already, time flies right before our eyes.
Hope you are doing well...but you must be doing pretty good since you are able to put pictures up so quickly! :) Thanks for the updates on your family. Makes me feel like I'm not so far away...take care. ;)
She is so cute! I'm jealous that you are a photographer, all her pictures are adorable.
Such beautiful pictures, Dest!! You are so talented...I'll definitely be hiring you again once this baby is here. Hope you are still feeling well.
Great photos, Destinee! Glad to hear she's a good baby. I'll pray that I get one of those, too. :)
Destinee she is so adorable, the pictures are amazing. I'm so sorry I haven't called to check on you this whole week. I will try to call tomorrow. I am so glad everything is going good. We'll be in touch, love you all!!!
Heather, hope it happens for you soon!
Thanks everyone! I'm excited for her dr. appt. this week to see how much Brittain weighs. She seems to be filling out a bit.
Jenny, when are you due again? Have you found out what you're having?
Lew, only a few more days! Yippee!
Andrea, how are you feeling? When in May are you due?
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