Avery has quite the little social life. On the 12th she went to a Princess Party at her friend Sawyer's. (Thanks Amaron!) All the girls dressed up like a princess. Then they decorated crowns and wands. Her favorite game was the bee game. You had to jump over the bee as it spun around. They had lunch and treats. She had a wonderful time! Then on the 29th she went to her friend Annie's bday party. They had lunch, cake, cupcakes, and ice cream! They got to make playdough and play dress up! Oh, to be four... Here are a couple of her princess pictures before the party!

Awww, how cute! I saw those pictures from Sawyer's party. That was a cute idea! ;) I cannot believe how big Avery has gotten!
As always, soooo cute! We miss the little munchkins so much. How is Brittain doing? How are you doing? Love ya and hope to talk to you soon!
She does look like a princess with that long gorgeous hair of hers. I can't believe how long it has gotten. I just went to my cousins wedding this weekend in IF. He married a girl from there. Her name was Lindsay Ingram and she said that she is a year younger than your brother that just got married not too long ago. What a coincidence!
Little girls are TOO fun. Great pics.
Love those pix!
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