Monday, January 12, 2009


that is where I've been. And not speechless because I'm shocked,surprised, or taken a-back (how do you spell that?) I just really have nothing to say (I'm sure those who know me did a little gasp at that information- did that just sound like Junie B?!). Nice. I just used a question mark, an exclamation point, and a period to end that sentence. We've been reading Junie B. nonstop since Christmas. I am all over the place. Sorry.

Now that I'm typing this, and you are reading it, we are probably both wishing I had waited until I really had something to blog about. But I wasn't sure when that might be and earlier as I was reading my friend Inkmom's blog I scrolled down and noticed on her sidebar that I have not written for 2 weeks. So, here I am with nothing to say.

While we are on the subject of sidebars however, I will admit that I am a total user. I love that you can now see the last time somebody posted a blog entry but I was not willing to re-enter everyone's information. It just seemed like too much work. Much more time consuming than say, clicking on every single individual blog on my list, waiting for it to open only to be disappointed when there was nothing new. But now I have the perfect solution. I use my friend's sidebars. So, thankyou.

My creative energy is spent. I have been working on a super exciting project, which I will post more about if/when it ever gets finished.
Mason has been coughing something horrid and now has an ear infection. He started antibiotics today! Yay!!

Now, I should probably go to bed. I should have put some kind of warning label in the title. "Do not read. I am merely thinking(typing) out loud."


InkMom said...

You can use my sidebar any time you want to.

And please enlighten me . . . who is Junie B.?

James said...

I enjoy reading the family blogs even when you have nothing to say. I use Google reader and I am suscribed to rss feeds from each of the blogs and other sites that I keep up with. My iGoogle shows me all of the new feeds and I can read them from there without going to the individual pages. iGoogle also shows if I have new email. There are a ton of gadgets that you can add to your homepage to personalize it the way you want. I love Google and all of the features that they have.

Jenny P. said...

Inkmom, you don't have kids old enough to know who Junie B is... Junie B. Jones. The star of a very engaging series of books. Lucy's been reading them nonstop since Christmas as well. She loves to sit on the couch and constantly inform us that she is reading CHAPTER books like Jordan.

I think sometimes the posts about nothing are sometimes the most entertaining. Life is real. Life is busy. And sometimes life is talking about nothing. :)

Jenny P. said...

oh, and you have to sign up for google reader. It's so easy... and excellent at keeping up with who posts when

Melissa said...

So not boring. I love to hear what you have to say even when you don't have anything to say. Are you busy this week?

C. Leah said...

Well, even if you think your posts are boring...they aren't. :)

I'm like you, I feel like I don't have a lot to say! I will say though -along with the others- that google reader is the best! You must check it out! (That's how I know when you've posted-other than checking the link on my blog). :)
On a side note, I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I hope I didn't offend you about the whole puppy thing? I don't really remember what I said, but I remember thinking it may have come off as rude, and I didn't mean to be. ():)

janet said...

SPEECHLESS??? YOU???? I did more than a gasp! I thought something was totally wrong--like in shocking! I'm like James, love to hear you thinking out loud!!! I am glad Mr Mason is on medicine now and hopefully it will kick in quick and nobody else will catch it! (in a perfect world) love yeah, mom

Unknown said...

Okay, I will definately have to check out the igoogle.

Junie B says it like it is. She has attitude and sass. (I definately edit too Melissa!)It is hilarious to read with Avery because she is such a rule follower- at school. Not so much at home. Her eyes get huge and the things Junie B. does.

Carmen- you definately did not offend me. I don't get offended easily. Usually.

Is Katelund off on Monday? You guys should come over!!

Mom, the meds have definately kicked in. Thank heavens for drugs.