We watched Hannah Montana tonight. We just finished up. I realize it's a school night but we don't start homework until next week so it still sorta feels like summer vacation, ya know.
I'll be honest. I've been resisting Hannah Montana. Big time. I was blown away at Christmas last year when perusing the aisles and Avery let out a big "Hannah Montana!" squeal as we passed some mumbo jumbo accessory or another with the star plastered all over it. I didn't know Avery even knew who she was. Slowly, through school and friends Hannah Montana has made her way into my little girl's heart.
So tonight I broke down and rented the movie. (Ryan had meetings and I can't be responsible all the time.) There were some really corny parts. Avery loved it. So did Mason. (I'm not too worried. He loves everything his older sister does.)
Avery wanted to know if Hannah Montana was real. So I was explaining how she's just a character but that Miley Cyrus is real. Of course I had to add,"and isn't she so much prettier just being herself?"
"Mom, that's not what I mean. Does she live here? On earth?"
I assured her it was true. She was giddy. Then later in the movie when "The Climb" came on Avery couldn't contain her excitement, "I've heard this on the radio. She really is real!" It was great.
Several times throughout the movie, chair-couch-floor was abandoned because the temptation to get up and dance was just too much. And I'll be darned if Mason didn't know most of the words as well as Avery. It was so much fun! Even Brittain got in on the moves.
Afterwards everyone was super tired. Not one single fuss was made about it being bed time. Also, Avery really, really, really, really wants a Hannah Montana CD. I told her maybe she could do some extra chores and earn some money to buy one. She's even excited about that.
So I'm thinking, maybe Hannah Montana isn't so bad after all.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
2 days ago
oh hannah! look what you've done now?! just please tell me there wont be any tee-shirts with a weird distorted face of her in the near future.
We don't get disney channel, so the kids have never seen the show. I think Lucy probably knows of her, as in, she would recognize the name, but beyond that, I don't think she knows much. I don't know if poor Hannah stands a chance in this house full of boys, but it probably won't be long before Lucy learns something of her at school. I'll keep you posted. :)
I don't have any girls...but I am a fan. :) (Not like a young girl fan, but a "fan" nonetheless, lol).
Since the boys love Disney (and PBS)...sometimes when I turn on the Disney channel, the show is on. I have to say, Ronnie and I have watched it a few times and it's pretty funny. Of course there are those moments when I'm like, "oh geez, that was corny..." but overall it's not bad. I LOVE that song The Climb, and I really wanted to see the Movie. :)
I should add that I grew up watching Disney, (back in the day when you had to pay extra $$ to have it)..and I loved the shows they had even then.
Yeah, I'm die-hard Disney. :)
Whit, of course, LOVES H.M., but I am surprised to admit that even Brandon has a bit of a crush. We went to see the movie without him and he's dying for us to rent it so he can see what he missed out on. I thought it was cute.
I not going to lie to you, the first time I heard the Climb when I was driving down the street I cried!!! Keep in mind I am a crier(and cry at commercials on TV), but that is an awesome song!! Jake is more into the typical boy shows, but he has seen it a couple of times and thinks it is pretty funny and I agree! Your sweet girl is growing up Mom!
I totally fought the whole Hannah Montana craze as hard as I could. My girls had never even seen the show and yet still they were some of her biggest fans. I finally broke down this summer and took them to see the movie. We all loved it. I thought it was really cute. So, now Katelund has the CD (grandma got it for her birthday) and they each have a Hannah Montana shirt. I just try to teach Katelund that it is okay to like a singer but to remember the difference between liking someone for their talents and looking up to someone as a hero. She had the same reaction about how she is a real person, just like Avery did. Too funny.
My hubby and I watched the movie over the weekend...it was a bit cheesy at times, but overall, good clean, fun movie.
Have you ever watched the show? It's corny, but it can be funny. My mom took all the girls to the movie and Kaitlyn said that she loved it, but she's not a huge fan, not yet at least.
Sydnee is into High School Musical more than Hannah Montana. The sitcom is pretty cute. All of my kids liked the movie too. It's funny how it can grab you in.
Dont' feel bad girl! If you scroll down on my blog, you can see that I just had to admit how much I love the Miley Cyrus song "Climb". And the fact that the six words came together in my vocabulary.. I-Love-A-Miley-Cyrus-Song!! Whaaaat?? Oh well, I can think of worse things.
P.S. I was hoping that the little girls next door had bought it, so I didn't have to embarrass myself at the video store and rent the movie. It that bad?? :-)
My daughter Whitney went through the Hannah Montana faze so we have several Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus CDs. She has passed the CDs down to her younger sister Rachael who used to listen to them but now they just sit on a shelf. When I first started reading the blog, I thought that I should send the CDs to Avery but then I read that she is doing chores to earn them so I thought you might not want them. I can send them to you if you like and she can still do chores to earn them. Let me know if you would like them. We have 3 or 4 CDs.
Remember Debbie Gibson
James, that would be so awesome! I'd love it. I'll shoot you an email.
Trixie, that made me laugh right out loud. Oh how I loved her!!
NO, I am not, however my 6 year old and Almost 2 year old are...mom...anna ontana song pease!
Savannah loves Hannah Montana but is overruled by brothers when it comes to tv shows. Just tell Avery that Miley's real name is Destinee too. That is a little trivia fact Savannah learned while watching a biography on Miley Cyrus. I am sure Avery will get a kick out of that.
I might have a slight idea where she may have gotten a taste of the Hannah Montana craze?!! Sylee and Katie may have rubbed off on her a bit! We don't have cable but Sylee has a few of her CD's and loved the movie as well! I've actually seen the show a few times here and there and it is pretty funny! It does have a way though of making you feel like your little girl is growing up too fast!
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