Thursday, October 29, 2009

Six. (And some change.)

The when she turned 6 is not as important as the fact that she did turn 6, right?

Six years (and some months ago) my life changed. Forever. (I stopped sleeping through the night for one thing.) But more than that, my heart grew six sizes that day. And nearly burst through my chest. Before that I never knew what it meant to love someone so unconditionally.

Avery had the most beautiful little baby lips I had ever laid eyes on. I just kept saying how perfect they were. She also had the biggest feet I had ever seen on a newborn babe. Almost like she came with skiis. (Which was appropriate since we lived in Jackson, Wyoming at the time.)

There has not been a dull moment since her arrival. I can't believe she's already in the first grade. She loves to read, draw, and ride her bike without training wheels. She's an amazing big sister and a huge help. She loves to surprise her mom and dad with flowers, pictures, and doing chores without being asked, including mopping the floors. (Ay yay yay.)

One of my favorite things about Avery right now is how she just bursts into song whenever she hears Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus. Even if we're in the middle of Kohl's. Like the whole world is her stage. I Love It! I hope she will always have that confidence.


janet said...

I love my Avery girl! She is so beautiful..inside and out. I remember when she was born to...I hardly got to hold her cus you were hovering onto her all the time! I miss her like crazy and love talking to her on the phone!!

Malisa said...

She is beautiful Destinee.

Remodelaholic said...

She is in first grade? It goes so fast!

Dest, she is so beautiful! I love that first picture of her especially!

alison said...

Okay, the time does cruise right by us. I've often thought some of the same thoughts (esp. the singing wherever, whenever)! It seems that not too long ago, we were sitting in Olive Garden holding our new little ones and nursing while we ate! He-He! Now they are 6! Wow! (although Madison in just in kinder). She is beautiful...and am so happy she has filled your life with sweetness and surprises!

alison said...

Okay, the time does cruise right by us. I've often thought some of the same thoughts (esp. the singing wherever, whenever)! It seems that not too long ago, we were sitting in Olive Garden holding our new little ones and nursing while we ate! He-He! Now they are 6! Wow! (although Madison in just in kinder). She is beautiful...and am so happy she has filled your life with sweetness and surprises!

C. Leah said...

Dest, she really is a pretty girl! I remember when you guys first moved here, she was so little.

I can't believe that she is 6 already either! (Yikes, Caleb is about to be 6!)

I love that first picture of her too.

Julie said...

Avery you are such a beautiful girl!

I really can't believe how fast time has flown! You are so sweet and have always made us laugh with your FUN personality and sense of humor!
Syleee loves Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift too! We miss you tons!!!

Love ya all!

The Sayasounthone family