Fast forward to this morning,over cold cereal in a cold kitchen Mason was fussing that he had to go back to school while I kept wetting his head with cold water trying to slick down the rooster hair that refused to acknowledge that it was indeed a school day. "Maybe Miss. B won't be there today." He said.
At 2:30 I rushed to get out of my pajamas(I was totally in denial) and rushed up the hill to pick the kids up from school. Mason greeted me with a big smile and an even bigger hug. "Mom, I think there must be an invisible wishing tree in our kitchen!" he exclaimed. "This morning I wished Miss B wouldn't be at school today and she wasn't!"

And now, I'm off to the kitchen to wish for some freshly baked cookies, a cleaner house, and a school schedule that doesn't start until, say, 10:30 a.m.
Such a cute post and a super cute boy! I love these pictures!!
You crack me up Destinee!! ;)
He is too cute and funny! Love it!
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