No, we did not get Mason a puppy! Although he would love it. Yesterday we were at Leslie's and her neighbor Barb let her little dog out and Mason was in heaven! He chased Rocko forever and wanted to hold/ride him. (It's a teeny dog.) Once Rocko jumped up and Mason's binky fell out. Mason gave that dog the evil eye and said, "No! Mine." Wish I'd had my camera. So funny to watch!
Back to the post on hand...
When Mason can't find a binky it's like his best friend just died. I'm hanging on to it for now- mostly for bed and nap. I feel mean not letting him have it when Brittain has one. I'll be more concerned when he hits 2 yrs. for now this just makes him sooo happy!

Sometimes he'll be sucking on his binky and ask for it. When I tell him it's already in his mouth he just does a little laugh. Silly boy!
Aww, that's so cute. I totally understand what you mean about taking it away from him (that is-not wanting to yet). I am the same way with Jakey. He is SO attached to that thing -and his blankie. :) But, I think as he gets ready to turn 2 in a couple months, it may be time to let it go. :(
Don't worry about him still having a binky, dest. Sarah was 2 and Jaden was almost 3 before they gave theirs up. Plus, everything I've read says they're perfectly fine until the age of 4. You did help me decide about Luke's though. I was worried that if he had one when the baby came it would be hard, but if Mason and Brittain handle it, then I don't need to worry.
Hey tell Mason he has a spare binky here! We had to dig clear to the back of the pan cupboard to get the muffing tins and way back there was one he had planted!! I thought we had it all cleared out from his visit, the trucks, blocks, etc that were in there! what a cutie!
GREAT photo. Definitely a keeper.
that is hysterical-when it's in his mouth! i can't believe i missed that-too funny!
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