Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Too big for her Britches

(Maybe that's why she prefers to be dressed up!)
Avery really wanted a haircut. She wanted it shorter than this but I was afraid she'd freak out so we just took off a little to start. And now she just looks so grown up.
We had a "Kindergarten, Here I Come" meeting last week. We met the teachers and saw the classrooms. She starts August 14th! (She's already informed Ryan and I that we don't need to worry because she has summers off and we can spend time together then.) Then, last week she got her first loose tooth, which seems a little early, but it's still hanging on. I just can't believe how fast the last 4 1/2 years have flown by!


C. Leah said...

I love those pictures, she's beautiful!!!

Avery is too much! I love how she tells you and Ryan stuff like that. (I'm thinking back to even when we still lived there!) ;)

I cannot believe she has a loose tooth either! I thought that kids were a little older than that? Then again, Caleb just went to the Dentist and had X-rays. And they told Ronnie at the time that his permanent teeth were showing up in the maybe she's right on track? :)
She's growing up soo fast!!!

janet said...

She looks beautiful with her new hairdo!! Wish I could get ahold of all 3 of them!

andrea said...

Oooh la la. The new 'do looks great!

Brandon barely lost his first tooth a couple of months ago at 6 1/2 years. Maybe girls are faster than boys? He was definitely on the slow side. Most everyone in his class has reached that ugly duckling phase where their teeth are too big for their cute little faces.

Gallup Family said...

Sarah is so jealous of Avery. She keeps asking her dentist at every visit when she will lose a tooth. He told her she'll probably be closer to 7 when hers come out. I still remember having to have the last of my baby teeth pulled at the age of 15. Hope she doesn't have to wait that long.

Julie said...

I love your hair Avery, maybe you can talk your cousin Sylee into cutting hers, it's soooo cute on you!!! I can't believe you have a loose tooth too, wow! Sylee didn't even start to get wiggly teeth she was 6 and a 1/2. She just lost her front tooth and the one next to it is hanging by a thread! All the pics are so cute, we miss the kids so much. Give them loves from all us here! Mason is so funny with his binki's, the kids just laughed and laughed! Love and miss you all!!!

ALECIA said...

You are VERY grownup Avery!! And beautiful.......I'm sure having the summers off with your family will be fun!!!

Heather said...

Her hair is so cute. I just can't get over how thick and beautiful it is. I am in definite need for a cute. I can't believe that Avery will be going to kindergarten. I still remember going to the hospital to visit after she was born and it was all smoky from the big forest fires in Jackson. Good memories!

Scheewe said...

She is growing too fast for me-so I know it's gotta be hard for you!!! I do love having Avs in class-also I love how she always knows the right answers! It's great!!!