Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ave's Faves:

5. Fingerpainting
4. Blue- the color
3. They Might Be Giants
2. Swimming
1. Spaghetti and Meatballs and Popsicles (not together, necessarily)


C. Leah said...

Hehehe, a couple of those are Caleb's favorites too! :)
Avery is so cute- love her blue eyes!

janet said...

Hey Avery,
we will for sure make spagetti when you come cus its my favorite too!! Can't wait to see you!
love granny

Unknown said...

Oops! Meant to type spaghettio's and meatballs.

andrea said...

We LOVE They Might be Giants. We'll have to have a singing/dancing party next time we get together.

Julie said...

I love that they both have They might be giants as #3. They are good aren't they! I sure miss those kiddos, can't wait to see you all soon!