Blau style:
First, Mason took a big ole hit to his mouth. With a toy broom being swung through the air. Very unfortunate timing. It went clear to the nerves and now his tooth is brown. So sad. On the bright side, it is his baby tooth and the injury will most likely not affect his permanant one.
Then tonight Brittain knocked her head in the tub reaching for a letter off the wall and has a small shiner by her eye.
Ryan has been working on a concrete path on the side of the house and killed his back. He's been limping around like an old man. I think he's starting to feel a little better?
Avery so far is in one piece and healthy to boot. She has also been working on a New Year's Resolution, or something...
Oh how this picture makes me laugh. The quality is not great but I had to sneak up on her because I knew she'd flip if she saw me. I was right. In fact, she'll flip if she sees it here but it is just too funny not to share. She has been changing into "workout" clothes every day after school this entire week. Then she runs around the house, does jumping jacks and some other unrecognizable moves that most definitely increase her heart rate. I just love the sweat band! Maybe instead of reaching for my camera I should reach for my tennis shoes.
Brittain has also been working on a resolution: cultivating new talents
Watch out American Idol.
This may be late for a new year post but I did not even own a 2009 calendar until this past Monday, the 12th. So there you have it.
Is anyone else having weird issues with there html? My pics are showing up as text code until I publish, my option to left, center, or right justify is missing, along with text sizes and my bold and italics aren't working. I hope I didn't accidentally mess with something in my html to cause this. Anyone?
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
4 days ago
They say things come in threes, so hopefully Mason's tooth, Brittain's black eye, and Ryan's back will be the end of your troubles. The pics are great. Brittain and Luke will have to get together and start a band. He loves to sing and beat things..haha. Hope the rest of your year is amazing!
Aves is to cute! I bet she would flip!! Brittain looks so cute too! love that the foot that is helping play the instrument has her sock she can feel the beat.
Now that I have our tickets I am so looking forward to coming!!
lucy had a bad tooth accident when she was two or three... fell and hit a chair and pushed her tooth all the way up in to her gum. It eventually came back down, and looked pretty normal, but it was always a little loose. Then her brother knocked it out when he threw a toy at her face. So it didn't really matter anymore. She's been toothless for nearly a year now...
I love the pictures. :)
And I have no idea about all your html woes. I do think blogger is often posessed though... I bet it'll be back to normal before too long...
Okay, good to know there are soooo many out there with tooth accident children. Madison had her share too!
Yes, my bold and italics were not working today, instead of bolding it, it put some funky words there. It was definately wierd and possessed! Good luck on figuring it all out!
Whoops--here goes again! I love the pictures of the girls--kids have the funniest ways of expressing themselves! Cute picture of Brittain--Brooklyn has that same outfit and I love it! I even went to Kid to kid to buy a bigger size because it is so darn cute! But we can't be too fooled--it's not the outfit, it the Child in the outfit that makes it so adorable!
Sounds like you guys have had about as much "excitement" in the injury department as we have. :)
And poor Mason! Caleb didn't hurt his tooth, but he had bad cavity on his front top tooth (sp?) and his tooth turned black. (Thankfully the Dentist saw it all before we did, and Caleb got a crown).
Anyway, I just realized that Brittain (and Dean) are about to be 1 in February!! (Holy cow!)
Lastly, I've had trouble with the html thing for awhile. Mine doesn't even give me the new options when you create a post. It did for awhile, and then it went away...(no idea what the problem is?).
I forgot to mention that both of my boys have had tooth accidents as well. Jaden has a severely chipped front tooth that we always get asked about and Luke's two front teeth are chipped in the corners. I guess it's a sign that they're true boys :)
I haven't read this yet, But I am in love with that picture of Avery!She is SO beautiful! And that is just classic!
i can't believe how big they are - and we're missing it :( we'll have to come see you soon
i had the same problem & i made Brian fix it-now i have others but well, who doesn't :) I'll see if he remembers and get back to you. i think it was something i had "accidentally" dne-some specializing option. i'll be in touch!
Such cute girls! About the tooth, something similar happened to me when I was three- the tooth was knocked out, replaced and turned brown. No sign of problems with the adult tooth though!
The pic of Avery cracks me up!! It reminds me of that old school song of Olivia Newton John's "Let's get Physical". He, He!!
I am with ya on the no 2009 calendars in the house. It's almost Feb and there are no '09 cal in my house, purse, or church binder to be found. Thank goodness for the calendar in my cell phone. Wheew!
That song is going to be running through my head all day!!
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