Not too long ago I wrote this post titled 3 and counting..., wherein a few of my readers thought I was announcing another baby but instead it was a celebration of 3 yr. old's birthday. Those readers may have been on to something but my suspicions had not yet been confirmed. And while I was playing on words with little proof I was totally hoping it was true. Which may be crazy- some days I can barely handle the 3 kids we've already been blessed with.
Never the less,(wow, where did that come from?) after weeks of being sick as a dog (that expression always kills me) and jumbling through extreme, exaggerated (more than normal) tiredness it has been confirmed. Baby #4 is on the way. I'm super excited. The kids are too but I think that's mostly because that means Grandma(s) will come to visit (we hope!) Ryan is acclimating to the idea. I think. Right, hon?
(For clarification, he's acclimating to the idea of another baby, not that the grandmas are coming. He's definitely good with that.)
Baby is not due until the end of April/beginning of May. Which is going to seem like a really, really long time to Mason. And probably to myself by then. In the meantime, I am feeling much better. Hallelujah! And I do not feel guilty, even a little bit, catching a nap with the kiddos every chance I get. (Except for when Ryan comes home for lunch and I'm zonked out on the bed. Again. With dishes and laundry piling up everywhere. But believe me, those things will wait. And Mason only had to go commando once for a couple of hours so that's not too bad, right?)
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
3 days ago
Congrats! Four is wonderful chaos! I'm glad you are past the horrible yucky part. Bring on the Halloween candy, turkey, and Christmas neighbor gifts right!?
Josh Bell just announced that they are pregnant and due on April 20th too.
Wow, this is so exciting. Congrats to you and your family! Being sick is no fun, and I hope that you enjoy your little naps. I took a nap almost everyday during my pregnancy! It was the only way I survived the days!
The saying, "Sleep when the baby sleeps" can always appply for babies of any age and at any point in life it is least that is what I've told my self a time or two!
--We are so thrilled for you all, and also feel just an ounce of pressure,(J/K)! obviously we really don't, hence the gaps! Can't wait, love ya and miss ya all!!!
oh my goodness -- congratulations, destinee!!
i'm so excited for you :)
Congratulations Destinee!!
YAHHHHH! Congratulations! I knew it was coming! Why, I don't really know...I think it is because all the other "Blog Girls" as I lovingly call you all are. Isn't it funny how that happens? It is seriously like there is something in the water! My sister just had her fourth and she said after the 3rd you can handle anything. With 2 you have a hand for each and anything after that you don't have hands enough anyway-so just have fun in the happy chaos! :) So, you can handle it because you can already do 3 with your eyes closed! You are an awesome mom-you will have no problem!
CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you and your family. It is so fun to be pregnant with friends. Too bad we live so far away now. How close is your due date to Leslie's? I love how the one comment by JulieJ said that 4 is happy chaos.
Yaaa... another cute baby Blau on the way!! Congrats Dest!!
Congratulations and best of luck with everything. I can't even imagine as I have my hands full with two. Enjoy the journey, right? Congrats again!
Guess Steve wasn't too far off when he saw you holding that other Sister's baby at Stake Conference. Congratulations!
I'm so happy for you guys! Exciting stuff! Now we'll know when to plan that cousin-sleepover we were talking about, right?
Congrats Destinee!!!
hey, I am glad you clarified about the grandma's......
It was so fun to talk to Mason and Avery cus they were both so excited that I will be coming. Mason especially, "my mom said you can come to my house when we get a baby." sweet kids.
thanks for not doing it in July again!
Congrats im excited for you guys....
Congratulations. I have to say that I thought 3 was the hardest. Really, everything evened out a little with number 4. The best wishes to you for the pregnancy, that part definitely got harder each time for me. But the babies got easier - maybe I just relaxed and enjoyed more.
I love babies. Happy for you!
Congrats! I'm glad you are feeling better.
Weren't me you and Leslie pregnant at the same time last time as well?
Congratulations- that's wonderful! I think naps are lifesavers :)
Thanks for all the comments. I've heard that 3 is the biggest adjustment. So we're going with that. That was a hard one for us. And yeah, happy chaos sounds good. (Key word happy.)
Carmen, Congrats to you too! I saw that you were and I don't remember if I commented!? That is funny we were all prego the same time last time too. Too bad ya'll aren't in the branch still!
Melissa, I think mommyj and Leslie are due middle of April and I'm due at the end. That part is totally crazy! When are you due? I guess inkmom will be starting things off next month!!
Rad6- Your sentence about 4 even-ing everything out really made my day!
Thanks again all.
Congrats! I'm excited for you. It is one lucky child. You are amazing. Two is kicking my trash:) I repeatedly have the story you told about the "sticky back chair lady" in my head. Today I was the mud footprints across the carpet lady...
Okay, I'm so out of the loop with this crazy life of mine these days...
OH my goodness!! Congratulations Dest!!!! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear what your 4th is! (And that is totally wild that you, Leslie and Carmen K. are all preggers together!) ;)
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